Exclusive interview: Women are Mad

Interview with Women are Mad

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 

The wonderful Jennifer Cox and Salima Saxton, who are the powerhouses behind the Women are Mad podcast, join us to share their inspiration behind starting the show!

What inspired you to start podcasting?

The need to get the conversation around women’s anger started and get it into everyday conversation, and podcasting was a fast and intimate and democratic way to do it.

What has been the most rewarding episode or moment in your podcasting journey so far?

When listeners write in with their responses and we realised that the conversations we are having are really making an impact.

What has been the game-changer moment for you?

When listeners have written to tell us that WAM has emboldened them to make changes in their own lives.

What episodes should we watch out for in the new series? Why?

We loved chatting to Jameela Jamil in particular as she was so honest and wise and awesome!

How would you describe your show in 5 words?

Feminist, joyous, funny, surprising and therapeutic.

What would you say has been the biggest challenge in your podcasting journey?

Learning to edit!

What are all the different things that you do to help promote your podcast?

We use @womenaremad on Insta and we try to get guests to collab with us.

If you could interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Maya Angelou, Marilyn Monroe, Vivienne Westwood and Gabor Mate-because they were all rebellious outliers.

What show would you love to be a guest on?

Wiser Than Me™ with Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

What are your favourite podcasts to listen to and why?

Anything Lemonada because how they think is how we think.

We hear you have a book coming out, how exciting! Can you tell us more?

Jen’s book has been feted as “this Summer’s non-fiction smash” and has been described as “ a ground-breaking call to arms…kicking off a new wave of feminism”  Jen’s had amazing press since it launched on July 4th, with most recently a double page Guardian spread. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/jul/03/all-the-rage-women-are-furious-and-repressing-it-can-ruin-our-lives

The book is called Women Are Angry: Why Your Rage Is Hiding And How To Let It Out. It details the journey of our lives, from cradle to grave, and explores the ways in which society gaslights, sidelines and subdues us. We repress our rage about this, since we’ve never been taught to recognise it. Trapped inside of us, it damages our minds and bodies in ways which risk our lives.

Why did you move to Auddy?

We’d heard great things!

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