Internal Comms Trends 2025

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2025 Internal Comms: Trends to Watch & How to Smash Them

Internal communications (IC) are the glue that holds modern workplaces together. In 2024, the role of internal comms pros is more critical than ever. With companies spread across offices, home setups, and everything in between, keeping everyone engaged and in the loop is a major priority. So, what’s happening in the world of internal comms, and how can you get ahead of the game? Let’s break down the key insights from the 2024 trends report, and see how you can absolutely nail your comms strategy this year.

Email’s Here to Stay—But It Needs Some TLC

Let’s face it—email is not going anywhere. Whether you love it or loathe it, email remains the #1 channel for internal communication, with 94% of IC teams relying on it. And while shiny new tools are popping up all the time, email still takes the cake for being versatile, accessible, and familiar. But here’s the kicker: personalisation is the secret sauce. Sending out generic, one-size-fits-all messages just won’t cut it anymore.

Employees want relevant, tailored content. Got a frontline team that’s hard to reach? Or a department that speaks a different language? Segment your emails, personalise the messaging, and suddenly you’re not just shouting into the void—you’re actually connecting. In fact, personalisation can boost your email open rates by a whopping 200%! That’s not to be sniffed at.

Private Podcasts: The New Powerhouse for Engagement and Culture

One of the most exciting developments in internal comms is the rise of private podcasts. These exclusive, internal podcasts are an incredibly effective way to engage employees and foster a strong company culture. They offer a fresh, modern channel for delivering content that feels personal and conversational. The beauty of private podcasts is that only employees can listen to them, ensuring sensitive information stays in-house while providing a sense of exclusivity and belonging.

What makes private podcasts such a game-changer is the ability to measure and track their performance. You can see exactly who’s listening, how long they stay tuned, and what topics resonate most. This data-driven insight helps fine-tune your messaging while proving the value of your comms strategy. Whether it’s regular leadership updates, interviews with team members, or deep dives into company culture, private podcasts are becoming a key tool for creating a more connected, informed workforce. Plus, they’re ideal for remote and on-the-go employees who can listen during their commute, workout, or even while making dinner.

Cracking Employee Engagement: A Tricky Nut to Crack

When it comes to internal comms, employee engagement is the golden ticket. Everyone wants to crack it, but it’s easier said than done. The report shows engagement remains the biggest challenge for IC pros, and it’s set to stay that way in 2024. Whether it’s ghosting your emails or showing zero interest in the company intranet, getting employees to care about the message is tough.

The trick? Create conversations, not announcements. Use engaging content, visuals, and even sprinkle in a few GIFs if it suits your culture. And don’t forget about feedback loops. People are far more likely to engage when they feel heard. Whether it’s a quick survey, a team poll, or an open comments section, give employees a voice.

Private podcasts can play a role here, too. By opening up episodes for employee feedback or integrating team shout-outs, they provide a space for two-way communication, allowing employees to feel more involved in the conversation.

The Rise of AI in Internal Comms

Now, here’s where things get futuristic. While only a small percentage of comms pros were interested in AI last year, the tide’s turning—AI is now making waves. Nearly 40% of internal communicators are ready to dip their toes into AI-powered comms tools. This could mean anything from automating responses to analysing engagement patterns. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

But don’t panic—AI isn’t here to replace you. Think of it as your new sidekick. Tools that help you draft smarter emails or tailor content to specific audiences will give you more time to focus on the creative, human side of comms. Not quite ready to embrace AI? No worries! Keep an eye on the trend and adopt it when it feels right for your team.

The Power of Manager Communication

We’ve all heard the phrase “people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers.” In 2024, manager comms is taking centre stage. Getting leadership more involved in internal messaging isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore—it’s a must. More than half of IC pros are making manager communication a priority, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to get those top dogs talking.

Why is it so important? Employees trust their managers, and messages that come from the top often carry more weight. Help your managers to craft clear, authentic communications that align with company goals. Regular updates, heartfelt all-hands meetings, and real conversations can boost trust and engagement. A private podcast series led by senior leadership can amplify this, offering employees direct, unfiltered insights from the C-suite.

New Channels to Watch

While email remains the king of the castle, there are other channels worth keeping an eye on. Intranets, video, and even SMS are gaining traction as more companies want to create immersive and convenient communication experiences. Intranets are making a comeback with **62%** of companies planning to prioritise them this year—so if yours is gathering dust, maybe it’s time for a refresh.

And don’t forget video content—whether it’s quick team updates, explainer videos, or a message from the CEO, it’s a fab way to get your point across. It’s personal, engaging, and way more memorable than an email buried in the inbox. Oh, and for your mobile-first workforce, SMS might just be your best friend. Similarly, private podcasts provide a unique, voice-driven medium for storytelling and updates, giving you another powerful way to reach employees where they are.

Measuring Up: Prove Your Worth

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about metrics. It’s no secret that measuring the impact of internal comms is a headache. But in 2024, proving ROI is climbing up the priority list. Leadership wants to know that the money they’re spending on comms tools and strategies is making a difference.

The report suggests tracking both qualitative and quantitative data. Open rates and click-throughs are good places to start, but don’t stop there. Make sure you’re also capturing feedback, tracking engagement on your intranet, and keeping an eye on how comms are influencing company culture. Private podcasts with Auddy Campfire make this even easier by offering detailed analytics on listener engagement, allowing you to fine-tune content and demonstrate impact. Start showing the numbers and you’ll have an easier time getting leadership buy-in for all those exciting new projects.

2025: The Year to Shake Things Up

So, what’s the takeaway? In 2024, internal communicators have loads on their plate—personalised content, AI, manager comms, private podcasts, and new tools to juggle. But the goal is simple: engage your team and create a workplace they love. The workplace is changing, and so are the ways we communicate. So, take the trends, make them your own, and get ready to level up your internal comms game.

Let’s make 2025 the year you nail it.

Speak to the team at Auddy to find out more: Get podcasting with Auddy

For more information about private podcasts for internal teams, take a look at these blogs:

Auddy – Campfire

With an increased focus on ROI, private podcasts provide the perfect solution for businesses to engage their communities in a measurable way.

Auddy Campfire is our private podcast distribution platform, creating the opportunity for you to share longer-form content with your communities, enabling a richer and more immersive experience. Interacting with your audience to build deeper connections and enhance your communication strategy.

This drives engagement, loyalty and provides meaningful analytics as to engagement and consumption (yes, you can measure what’s working!).

Plus, our creative teams can support you to deliver high quality and engaging content which meets your communication objectives.

Aligning workforces, updating investors, and reaching your target audiences has never been easier.

And private doesn’t need to mean secret… it can be special, confidential, or even exclusive content which only your community can hear.

Book a meeting with the team today to find out how Auddy Campfire can improve engagement and measurability for your business.

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Sally Miller

Chief Marketing Officer
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