Interview with Answer me This

Interview with Answer Me This!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes 

We are so excited to see the return of Answer Me This after 18 years!! I know if it might seem like quite a while ago but what inspired you to start podcasting?

HZ: Fame and money, obv. It was 2007 before the iPhone was even on the market, so podcasting was definitely offering those things then.

OM: I got an iPod for Christmas! And I thought, ‘we could do this’. I propositioned Helen at a party. I think she was relieved my intentions were neither romantic, nor sinister.

What has been the most rewarding episode or moment in your podcasting journey so far?

OM: In the noughties, we stumbled into opportunities that are common-place nowadays, but were pioneering back then: we were the first podcasters to be invited to play at a music festival, the first to have a radio special, the first podcast spun off into a book… it’s satisfying to see all these blockbuster shows now and think, ‘well, the industry may have been smaller back then, but we got there first!’

HZ: Not a moment, but every time someone has said that listening to our podcasts helped them get through difficult times in their life.

What has been the game-changer moment for you?

HZ: Being able to pay my rent.

OM: Not having to explain what a podcast is to all my relatives.

What episodes should we watch out for in the new series? Why?

HZ: Oh. Hold onto your butts for AMT 403. Why? I can’t tell you; you’ll have to find the clues in the episode to crack the top secret code to get the answer.

OM: Yes, I’ve been sworn to secrecy about the cutlery etiquette question we’re going to be tackling in AMT 411. It’s pretty spicy stuff.

How would you describe your show in 5 words?

OM: Unbland companionship, with occasional swearing.

HZ: Taking Edge Off Reality, Temporarily.

What would you say has been the biggest challenge in your podcasting journey?

OM: Every element was a challenge back in 2007! Finding a hosting company, building a blog, sharing MP3 files, attracting an audience, everything! It’s amazing how much easier it is to do the basics these days

HZ: Honestly? That the whole thing could be completely wrecked just from a couple of whims of big tech companies.

What are all the different things that you do to help promote your podcast?

HZ: I’m going to tweak your question: all the different things the most fun thing to do to promote a podcast is going on other people’s podcasts. The primary purpose for me is to get to hang out with the other podcasters, but reaching the ears of their listeners is a very nice bonus.

OM: We once did a roadtrip to Luxembourg and got to claim it against our tax receipts, that was a definite win (check out our YouTube video from 2007!)

If you could interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

HZ: I’d interview Meat Loaf, just so I could effectively get him to record a Cameo for Olly.

OM: OMG I would’ve loved to meet The Loaf. But we had Jackie Mason on the show once, and he was an idol of mine, but that was seriously AWKS, so it’s probably better not to meet ANYBODY.

What show would you love to be a guest on?

OM: I adore ‘Brydon &’. But sadly I think my personality is too ‘on’. Like a lot of people, I listen to Rob Brydon’s dulcet tones to relax, and be gently amused. I wouldn’t want to ruin it for everyone by trying too hard to be funny.

HZ: Doesn’t everyone want to be on Desert Island Discs? I suppose what I really want is to have lived a life worthy of inclusion on Desert Island Discs.

What are your favourite podcasts to listen to and why?

HZ: Making podcasts means my ears are busy, so I rarely get to listen to other people’s podcasts; but Frog of the Week always does the job, that job being to give us the sound of a different frog each week.

OM: I love a bit of media gossip, so I check in with The Media Club, Pivot, and The Business every week without fail.

Why did you move to Auddy?

OM: They do a great job looking after The Modern Mann, my monthly magazine show (which includes a very frank sex section, so is therefore not the easiest sell to sponsors!) Plus: they are nice people. Which matters.

HZ: The quest for the aforementioned fame and money.

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