Interview with Grace Timothy – Is It My ADHD

Interview with Grace Timothy – Is It my ADHD?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes 


We talk with Grace Timothy from the excellent ‘Is It my ADHD?’ podcast, on her upcoming book of the same name. From why she started podcasting to how it is a powerful tool for separating misinformation.

What inspired you to start podcasting?

I’d not long before been diagnosed with ADHD at 37, and I just couldn’t find any resources to help a woman like me – not an entrepreneur or a coach – navigate the condition. I wanted to gather together a mixture of expert information and real life voices to help dissect life through the lens of ADHD. It started because there was so little information on ADHD in women and non-binary people, and it continues because there’s now SO much noise, we need help separating the misinformation from what’s actually true and therefore helpful.

What has been the most rewarding episode or moment in your podcasting journey so far?

I can’t pick one episode, but I would say the episode with Char Bailey was crucial in my ADHD journey because it was like lightening bolt after lightning bolt in terms of my own feelings and the kind of changes I’d like to make in my life. Similarly, with Clare Seal, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, Azryah Harvey and Kate Everall I just had so many personal epiphanies!

What has been the game-changer moment for you?

When The Tape Agency agreed to make the podcast with me, definitely. They’ve all been amazing at both supporting me and making the podcast as good as it can be, as well as encouraging me with things like Instagram. Every time someone says ‘yes’ to coming on the podcast, I’m blown away – Tape then makes sure it actually happens and I am ready to record on the day!!

What episodes should we watch out for in the new series? Why?

It feels like we’re going deeper into ADHD now we’ve covered a lot of the main areas of life that I wanted to cover. It’s great to be able to revisit those areas but look at the intersections that impact ADHD and how our experiences compare. Expect some incredible guests – I’ve spent a lot of time interviewing people for my new book, so have now got a very long wishlist for the next series!

How would you describe your show in 5 words?

Funny, helpful, unflinching, honest, intersectional.

What would you say has been the biggest challenge in your podcasting journey?

Keeping episodes short and sweet! Us ADHDers can really talk!

What are all the different things that you do to help promote your podcast?

I use Instagram as the main avenue of promotion, but I also do live events – panel talks or solo presentations – as well as corporate workshops.

Of these, what has been the most effective?
Instagram! Especially if my guest is happy to share on their channels, too.

If you could interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Cher – I wrote that with zero hesitation. I just want to know more about what gets her through the day, I guess, not just in terms of having ADHD (because, let’s face it, even that is easier with money), but just being a woman who has triumphed over misogyny through some of the most challenging decades for women in film and music.

What show would you love to be a guest on?

Table Manners with Lennie and Jessie, because the food’s always delicious and they sound fun.

What are your favourite podcasts to listen to and why?

Closet Confessions – Coco Sarel and Candice Brathwaite are SO funny and they go DEEP.
How To Fail – Elizabeth always seems to secure the people you really want to hear from, and every interview has me hooked.
Glad We Had This Chat – I used to be a beauty editor so it always feels like a trip down memory lane, hearing Caroline and her guests’ stories, especially with people like Val Garland and Sam McKnight.
Changes – Annie has such an interesting line-up of guests and I always learn something.

We hear you have a book coming out, how exciting! Can you tell us more?

Like the podcast, Is It My ADHD the book brings together all sorts of voices to explore the real lived experience of ADHD in women and non-binary people.  With expert help and the latest research, it will bust the myths, offer helpful guides to different aspects of ADHD and explore the common – and not so common – symptoms and traits specific to the women and those assigned female at birth, taking into account the various intersections of race, gender, culture and age. It’s many years in the making, and hopefully will help both people with ADHD and those looking to support them.
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Why did you move to Auddy?

As a platform, it’s inclusive, amplifies your work and has some really interesting podcasters.

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Is it my ADHD with Grace Timothy
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