Interview with Two New Mums

Interview with Two New Mums

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 

Two New Mums podcastWe caught up Amy Voce and Jennie Longdon about their podcasting journey over the last few years. Take a read to discover their inspiration and their key tips to success!

What inspired you to start podcasting?

Having both worked in radio for the last 15 years, we unwanted to create our own content with less rules and regulations and a platform for two women to share and connect with other women. Something that rarely happens in radio!

What has been the most rewarding episode or moment in your podcasting journey so far?

Having new Mums, who have been finding their journey into motherhood tough, saying that sharing our experiences have helped them feel less alone and kept them entertained.

What has been the game-changer moment for you?

Launching our Patreon subscription platform which enabled us to connect with our audience in a whole new way. We have a dedicated supportive chat group and even had a new Mum talking us through her birth recently with listeners helping her along!

What episodes should we watch out for in the new series?

Our chat with Kate Silverton talking about children’s development. Why? Because we learnt SO much about why toddlers react they way they do and why we have to keep phones out the picture as long as possible!

How would you describe your show in 5 words?

Relatable, Honest, Funny, Informative, Warm

What would you say has been the biggest challenge in your podcasting journey?

Keeping on top of the marketing aspect; video and social content to run alongside.

What are all the different things that you do to help promote your podcast? 

Using social media mostly, posting regular content and engaging with the audience with Q & A’s.

What show would you love to be a guest on?

Parenting Hell or Miss Me.

What are your favourite podcasts to listen to?

Miss Me, with Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver is my current fave. They totally encapsulate the era I grew up in and aren’t afraid to talk about anything, are funny, Lily tells great stories and Miquita is such a talented broadcaster.

Why did you move to Auddy?

To join a great network of podcasters!

Hosting your podcast with Auddy couldn’t be simpler, we are here for creators with free podcast hosting and personal expert monetisation strategies and direct connections to advertising marketplaces.

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Two New Mums podcast