About the show
Farm to Table means different things to different people but many would agree that restaurants and their chefs have led the way on our Farm to Table journey. Chefs might say that they have been led by their own customers who have shown a preference for food with a story all the way back to the farm: the farmer, unique varieties or breeds, production practices and overall sustainability.
Farm to Table means different things to different people but many would agree that restaurants and their chefs have led the way on our Farm to Table journey. Chefs might say that they have been led by their own customers who have shown a preference for food with a story all the way back to the farm: the farmer, unique varieties or breeds, production practices and overall sustainability. In this episode of Farm To Table Talk we are joined at the table by Greg Drescher, the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Industry Leadership with the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) to explore what Farm To Table means in the Culinary world and the trends that change menus.
COVID disruptions again showed that instead of dependence on a few global meat conglomerates, States and Provinces need more small-scale slaughter and cut-and-wrap facilities — creating skilled jobs throughout rural communities. The Biden Administration’s commitment to increase fairness in livestock and poultry markets, and USDA’s new short-term funding for local meat processing, are a start. Coupling those with systemic solutions proposed in Congress and Legislatures will create Meat Processing Inspection programs “equal to” USDA inspection. Michael Dimock and Roots of Change are working to unleash more market opportunities for small- and mid-scale meat producers, increase local meat supply chain resilience, protect workers and aid rural communities. www.rootsofchange.org
Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/article254243278.html#storylink=cpy